
Tell us your War Museum story

The 10th anniversary of the Canadian War Museum

What does the Canadian War Museum mean to you? We want to hear your story, to celebrate our 10th anniversary on LeBreton Flats!

Explore the Stories

Children observing on Remembrance Day 2006 at the Canadian War Museum.

Second World War veteran Jerry Bowen speaking to a visitor, Remembrance Day ...

The late Helen Rapp, Canadian Women’s Army Corps veteran, Second World Wa ...

Memorial Hall is a quiet public space for rest and reflection. The lone art ...

A view of the Canadian War Museum during the fall of 2012.

In October 2014, the Museum launched the Supply Line First World War Discov ...

The late General (Retired) Ramsey Withers spent 41 years in uniform ― in ...

Animalia: Oves No.1 @Etsy,#art,#Homedecor,#interiordesign,#decor by mellonf ...

Proud! featured #RUM #rumid Belgiske Designboger #in ...

Classic Ivory textile power cable to give your tired old lamps an upgrade! ...

PRACTICE BRITTA BINZ by kplus konzept – #inter ...

Handmade! by Arzu Gultekin via @Etsy COLLECTION #fix ...

Chaotic but wonderful Hanoi #Travel #Vietnam

@slacklarsen making it look easy

甜蜜往事 段段回憶,只能在夢中尋求和回味 你任我憔悴 ...


Submit A Story

Through text, image or video, tell us why the Canadian War Museum is important to you.

There are four ways to participate:

  1. Tweet a message using the hashtag #WarMuseum10.
  2. Post one or more photos to Instagram and include the hashtag #WarMuseum10.
  3. Post a video on your YouTube channel and include the text My #WarMuseum10 story somewhere in the title.
  4. Use the text box below to send a message to us.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    Acceptable file types (extensions) are: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. 2 MB maximum file size.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.