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The Canadian War Museum will be closed to the public on Friday, March 28.

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The Canadian War Museum building in Ottawa is orange.

Contact us

By telephone

Local: 819-776-7000
Toll free: 1-800-555-5621
TTY for people with hearing disabilities: 819-776-7003

By mail

Canadian War Museum
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M8

Rights and permissions

The Canadian Museum of History provides high quality reproductions for use in a variety of projects. To request reproductions and apply for a license to use Museum content, select Photos and Copyright from the subject list in the email form.

Donate an artifact

Thank you for your interest in donating to the Canadian War Museum. If you have artifacts, documents, photographs, or books that you believe would complement our collections, please tell us about them. Please do not send your items to the Canadian War Museum until requested by the Museum to do so.

By email

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