Thursday, July 18, 2024 – The Canadian War Museum will be closed to the public Thursday, July 18 until 2 p.m. Please plan your visit that day between 2 and 7 p.m. Thank you.

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Privacy Notice


The Canadian Museum of History is a Crown corporation with responsibility for the Canadian Museum of History and the Canadian War Museum. The corporation also administers a national investment program, Digital Museums Canada, and presents a virtual exhibition, the Virtual Museum of New France. The term “the Museum” throughout this Privacy Notice refers to the corporate entity and all websites administered by the Museum.

The Museum engages in telling the story of Canada’s history and identity, as well as that of world history and cultures. Some of the Museum’s activities and programs involve the collection of personal information. The Museum is dedicated to a high standard of care for the personal information you entrust with us. Personal information obtained by the Museum is kept securely in line with the Privacy Act. Personal information under our control is accessed, used and shared by employees and Museum representatives (such as volunteers, contracted third parties, etc.) on a strict need-to-know basis (for example, only when necessary to fulfill their specific duties). The Museum does not use personal information to create individual profiles unless otherwise stated. Museum personal information is not rented, sold or traded with third parties.

In keeping with the high standard of care, this Privacy Notice describes how the Museum generally collects, uses and discloses personal information, as well as our website privacy practices.

Questions concerning this Privacy Notice should be directed to:

For more information about how to protect your privacy online, please visit the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Definition of Personal Information

Personal information is information that, on its own or when combined with other information, identifies you. This includes your name, address, email address, preferences, financial information, and other data that can be reasonably linked to you.

When we refer to “you” or “your” in this Privacy Notice, we mean any individual whose personal information we collect.

Online Purchases

The Museum is permitted to charge for goods, services and admission under section 9(1)(p) of the Museums Act. One means of doing so is through the Museum’s websites. When you make an online transaction with the Museum — including admission for Museum activities, donations, Boutique purchases, CINÉ+ admission, and memberships — we request the necessary information to process your order.

For additional information about the Museum’s general handling of your personal information for the purchase of goods, services and admission to Museum activities, please refer to the Standard Personal Information Bank PSU 932 Accounts Receivable.

Third-Party Payment Solutions

When you complete a purchase with the Museum, it uses Chase Payment Solutions and Bambora, two Payment Card Industry compliant third-party payment solutions, to process your transaction. Chase Payment Solutions and Bambora in turn share the personal information provided with your credit card company to validate the purchase. The third-party payment solution then sends confirmation of your purchase to the Museum.


The Museum uses WooCommerce, an e-commerce platform, for online Boutique transactions. The Museum provides the option of creating an account for online Boutique customers using the WooCommerce platform. The account collects your email address, name, username, password, mailing address, postal code, telephone number, credit card information, and order history. The WooCommerce platform has access to your personal account information for the purpose of payment processing. Personal information is stored on servers in Canada. Your credit card information (credit card number, expiry date, and security code) are sent to Bambora for payment processing. Bambora then returns a transaction confirmation to the Museum with your credit card type, the last four digits of your credit card number, and the credit card expiration date. This data is sent only for transactions.


The Museum uses the Bambora third-party payment solution for online Boutique sales, facility rentals, and donations. Bambora retains your name, email address, telephone number, address, and credit card information for up to 24 months for the purpose of processing your payment as well as reporting, reconciliation, and dispute resolution. Through Bambora, the Museum has access to order information and uses this information for the purpose of granting refunds and keeping a record of purchases. Personal information is stored on servers in Canada.

Chase Payment Solutions

The Museum uses Chase Payment Solutions as a third-party payment solution for online ticketing (including CINÉ+ admission) and membership purchases. When you pay for an online ticket or membership, your name, billing address, credit/debit card number, expiry date, dollar amount, and an invoice / order ID are received by Chase Payment Solutions. For the purpose of transaction validation and refund processing, the Museum retains this personal information for a minimum of 24 months while Chase Payment Solutions retains personal information for 12 months. Personal information collected by Chase Payment Solutions may leave Canada for processing and become subject to the governing legislation of other countries.

For ticketing, the Museum collects your name, address, telephone number, email address, and credit/debit card number. The Museum sells tickets to third-party events. In this case, your name, contact information and item purchases are shared with the event organizer.

For memberships, the Museum collects your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, language of choice, join date, and expiry date. The Museum also collects financial information (credit card or banking information) to process payments. Please read the Membership Privacy Notice for more information.