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Hands-on history thanks to museum donors


  • Museum staff


Feb. 13, 2024

You, our generous supporters, are making a difference in the lives of Canadian schoolchildren. Following a recent appeal for support for the Canadian War Museum’s Supply Line program, many of you responded generously — thank you!

Supply Line is an educational resource that travels to schools throughout Canada. Each First or Second World War Supply Line discovery box contains authentic and reproduction objects, such as a gas alarm, a helmet, a letter sent by a soldier to loved ones back home, and a battle dress jacket, among other items. The boxes are accompanied by backgrounders and suggested lesson plans.

Student trying on helmet in classroom

Canadian War Museum – CWM 2019-0052-0050-Dm

To date, Supply Line has gone to schools in every corner of the country, not only helping kids learn more about the First and Second World Wars, but also enabling them to make connections between themselves, their families and historical events.

In a recent mailing, we shared the story of 13-year-old Olivia, who was inspired by Supply Line to learn more about her family’s wartime experiences.

“My great-grandpa fought in the Second World War,” says Olivia. “He was a Flight Sergeant in the Royal Canadian Air Force. When I told my grandma about Supply Line, she showed me a picture of him in his uniform and told me more about him.”

And because this program is hands-on, children get a glimpse of what it may have felt like to live through a war. They try on headgear and try out tools. They use ration books. They play games and study posters. It is an intensive, rewarding and unforgettable experience.

Teachers agree. “Our students loved working with the objects,” said one. “They enjoyed making their own ‘museums’ as the lesson plan suggested. The level of interest and participation was outstanding. Thank you so much!”

Your generous donations are what make it possible for us to continue sending Supply Line discovery boxes to schools anywhere in the country, entirely free of charge. Because of you, kids can explore our military history in a memorable way. You are also showing them how their own family histories reflect our national story and helping them form new bonds across generations. Thank you!

As well as those who responded to our recent appeal, Supply Line is generously supported by the R. Howard Webster Foundation, the Crabtree Foundation, the Friends of the Canadian War Museum and other individuals across the country. We are grateful for your generosity.
