NOGAP Archaeological Resources

The NOGAP Bibliography

Compiled by R. Jane Dale, Jean-Luc Pilon, Luc Nolin and Ken Swayze

Beginning in 1985, there was a steady flow of reports and manuscripts stemming directly from NOGAP archaeological research and management activities. This work was carried out by the NOGAP Archaeology Project staff at the Archaeological Survey of Canada, Canadian Museum of Civilization in collaboration with the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife, the Heritage Branch of Tourism Yukon in Whitehorse, and independent contractors. Some of this information was translated into conference papers, published articles and monographs. The momentum generated during the first half of the project continued to yield an ever-growing number of papers and published research reports. Indeed, the second portion of the NOGAP Archaeology Project placed an increased emphasis on the analysis of field data and the dissemination of this knowledge.

NOGAP Radiocarbon Dates

Compiled by Luc Nolin and Jacques Cinq-Mars

This listing offers a compilation of conventional and Accelerator Mass Spectometry (AMS) dates obtained during the NOGAP Archaeology Project between 1985 and 1994. Most are uncorrected dates calculated from mammal bones or charcoal. They are presented, along with pertinent comments by the researchers who submitted them, following a standardized format similar to the one used in the journal Radiocarbon. References to the researchers' reports and/or publications follow a geographical breakdown which organizes the dates within sub-units of the larger NOGAP area beginning in the west near the Alaska border and ending in the east on Devon Island.

Selecting these will bring you to a mirror site on the Canadian Archaeological Association's Web server where the technical papers are located. Those documents are presented in the language they were originally written in. To return to the Canadian Museum of Civilization's Web site, simply use your BACK button.