The Apprentices and the Boys
he apprentices, who were
18 to 30 years of age, and the boys, who were 14 to 20, assisted
the fishermen.
In the green fishery, they helped handle, prepare and salt the cod.
In the dry fishery, there was an apprentice in each shallop, along
with two experienced fishermen. After a period of two weeks, they
were performing fairly well, and could prepare the bait and provide
adequate assistance to the fishermen.
On land, the boys worked on the stage, at the wash cage, on the
beach or at the flakes. They carried, stacked and turned the cod
that was to be dried. In good weather, they laid out the cod one
by one on the beach or the flakes. Around noon, they turned the
fish, placing it skin side up. The boys repeated this for several
days until the cod was properly dried.