Political debate in Canada over old age
pensions was interrupted by the country's participation in the Great War
(1914-1918). By the end of the war, Canada was a changed nation. Building
on the impetus of war-time demand, industrial production grew and, with
it, the urban labour force. At the same time, people were living longer
and the proportion of seniors within the population was increasing.
However, mechanization in industry was threatening many older workers with
The new workplace favoured the young, and the tasks that workers had
traditionally performed in their later years began to disappear. New jobs
were difficult for them to find. Workers who had to support ageing parents
had a hard time saving for their own old age. Private pensions from the
workplace still covered only a minority, and they were not portable; if a
worker was dismissed or left before retirement age, the benefits were

In 1918, a Pension Act was passed to provide compensatory benefits to
the survivors of the 60,661 soldiers killed in the war. It also provided
for soldiers who returned with disabilities, just over 69,000 of whom were
receiving pensions in 1920. Dependent parents who passed a means test
could also receive survivor benefits.
The Government Annuities plan of 1908 had failed to achieve its
intended purpose, and state assistance for the elderly poor was back on
the political agenda in the 1920s. While nobody begrudged the pensions
paid to soldiers for their sacrifices in World War One, many people
believed that aged Canadian workers also had a right to assistance, in
compensation for their years of service to the national economy.
The federal government introduced temporary income taxes in 1917 to
help pay for the country's war effort. Those taxes were not removed when
the war ended, giving the government a new source of revenue for the
development of national social programs.
In 1924, a Special Committee appointed by Parliament to study the
question of pensions for seniors estimated that 40 per cent of Canadians
aged 70 and over would qualify for an old age pension based on a means
test. In 1927, theOld Age Pensions Actwas passed, honouring a
promise made at a time of political need for Prime Minister King. This act
established a cost-shared program that would replace local emergency
relief with a nationwide system of benefits for the poorest seniors.
Under the new Old Age Pensions Act, the maximum pension was
set at $20 per month for British subjects 70 years of age and over who had
been resident in Canada for 20 years.