October 1899, the British Empire and
the two small South African Boer republics
of Transvaal and the Orange Free State
went to war. Over 7300 Canadian volunteers
served in South Africa in infantry, mounted
rifle, artillery, and other units. Their
most celebrated success, and the Empire’s
first significant victory of the war,
was at Paardeberg in February 1900, when
more than 4000 Boers surrendered following
a Canadian-led assault. Before the war
ended in May 1902, Canadian losses amounted
to 89 killed in action and 135 who died
of other causes, mainly disease.
English Canadians responded enthusiastically
to the war, but much of French Canada
was unsupportive. Battlefield successes
increased Canadian self-confidence and
advanced Canadian nationalism, but the
war also magnified domestic linguistic
and cultural differences.