Special Themes

The Navy: A Century in Art
The Navy at Sea

The Canadian navy is a creature of the sea. Its ships, equipment, tactics, and experiences have been conditioned by the major environments in which it serves. Historically, the most important of these have been Canada's long and ragged coasts and the storm-tossed northern waters connecting Canada to the world.

ProtectionPainted by Donald C. Mackay around 1943
Painted by Donald C. Mackay around 1943

During wartime ocean crossings, traveling in convoys offered protection against enemy submarines.

Mackay's painting reflects the moody tension of a typical north Atlantic passage during the Second World War. The sailors in the foreground are signaling another ship from the bridge of HMCS Restigouche, a destroyer escorting a large convoy of troop ships, including the four-funnelled liner Aquitania (centre left).

Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19710261-4245

St. Lawrence Convoy Painted by Harold Beament in 1943
Protection Painted by Donald C. Mackay around 1943
Canadian Motor Torpedo Boats Leaving Dover for Night Patrol Painted by Thomas (Tom) Wood in 1944
Examination Officer Boarding Merchant Ship Painted by Donald C. Mackay in 1943
Rescue-Firing a Coston Gun Line Painted by Harold Beament around 1944
Signal Flag Hoist Painted by Donald C. Mackay in 1943
Shaft Tunnel, SS Kelowna Park (Can)Painting by Peter Whalley around 1945
Iced Up Painted by Donald C. MacKay in 1944
Fog  Painted by Donald C. Mackay in 1943
Snowberry K-166 Painted by Fred Thearle in 1988
Andrew Wetmore Spotting Some Whales off the Starboard Bow Painted by Douglas Bradford in 2004
Awaiting the Return of the Aircraft Squadron Painted by Frank Leonard Brooks in 1944
Tangled Float No.2 Painted by Leonard Brooks in 1944