Objects and Photographs


Limbo Anti-Submarine Mortar, HMCS Kootenay
Limbo Anti-Submarine Mortar, HMCS Kootenay

This photograph, taken aboard the Canadian destroyer HMCS Kootenay in the 1960s, shows one of the ship's three-barrelled Limbo anti-submarine mortars.

Developed from the Second World War Squid anti-submarine mortar, the Limbo's three barrels could be aimed to deliver depth charges at ranges of up to roughly 900 metres at any point around the ship. Each depth charge weighed about 175 kilograms and carried some 95 kilograms of explosive. Together, the depth charges were aimed in a way that would surround the targeted submarine in a three-dimensional pattern of explosions.

CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum

Master-at-Arms Ron Crawford, HMCS Cornwallis, 1953
HMCS Malahat Crew, 1957
Naval Fire Fighting Training
Cadets in Summer Training
Radio Room, HMCS Margaree
Brooke Claxton Laying Cornerstone, October 1953
HMCS Labrador
Canadian Sailors Rescue a Horse
Soviet Submarine Crew
HMCS Swansea, July 1959
Limbo Anti-Submarine Mortar, HMCS Kootenay
HMCS Margaree
Sikorsky H04S Helicopter
Plotting Room, Halifax
Grumman Tracker Launch
United Nations Warships off Korea, 1950-1953
HMCS Cayuga at Sea
HMCS Cayuga Firing on Enemy Shore Battery
RCN Tribal B Gun, Korea
North Korean Caves
Track of HMCS Crusader, 1952-1953
HMCS Warrior
HMCS Magnificent
HMCS Bonaventure