Objects and Photographs

Uniforms and Insignia

Medal Set, Captain Arthur Brown
Medal Set, Captain Arthur Brown

In 1917, RNAS pilot Brown was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (left), a naval decoration, in recognition of his bravery in combat over the Western Front.

Brown is best remembered for his involvement in the death of Manfred von Richthofen, the "Red Baron." In an aerial battle on 21 April 1918, Richthofen, Germany's highest-scoring ace, was pursuing Canadian pilot Wilfrid "Wop" May. Brown, spotting May in danger, dived steeply, firing at Richthofen to force him to break off his pursuit. During the fighting, a bullet passed through Richthofen's chest and he died shortly afterward. The incident continues to fascinate and to incite debate: while the Royal Air Force credited Brown with the victory and awarded him a bar to his Distinguished Service Cross in part for this action, forensic evidence suggests that the bullet that killed Richthofen was fired from the ground.

Medal Set, Captain Arthur Brown
Tilston Memorial Collection of Canadian Military Medals
CWM 19820001-001

Service Dress Jacket, Admiral-of-the-Fleet Sir John Arbuthnot "Jackie" Fisher, around 1910
Bicorn Hat, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles E. Kingsmill
Sailor's Summer Uniform, Lionel Channing, HMCS Shearwater
Medal Set, Sub-Lieutenant J.M. Paul, HMCS Niobe
H.M.C.T.B. Grilse Cap Tally
Pin, RMS Missanabie
Merchant Navy Cap Badge, Thomas Moore
Medal Set, Thomas Moore
Albert Medal, Chief Motor Mechanic Ernest Alfred Pooley
Cap Badge, Royal Naval Motor Boat Reserve
Sailor's Uniform, Leading Seaman Roland White
Service Dress Cap, Royal Naval Air Service
Service Dress Jacket, Royal Naval Air Service
Medal Set, Air Vice Marshal Raymond Collishaw
Wristwatch, Flight Lieutenant Henry Botterell
Medal Set, Captain Arthur Brown
Memorial Plaque, Flight Lieutenant Harry Wambolt
Albert Medal, First Class Lieutenant Commander Thomas Kenneth Triggs
Albert Medal, Second Class Able Seaman William Becker
Medal Set, Robert Brett
Boy's Civilian Sailor Suit, RMS Missinabie
Full-dress Uniform, Commander Frank Llewellyn Houghton
Sun Helmet, Horatio Nelson Lay
Nurse's Uniform, Sub-Lieutenant Georgia Hayes