Objects and Photographs

Artworks and Posters

Boarding Party Coming Aboard the Whitehorse
Boarding Party Coming Aboard the Whitehorse

This painting is one of a series of watercolours by Doug Bradford depicting a boarding exercise at sea.

Boarding parties, transported by small, high-speed craft, board boats and ships of all sizes in order to inspect them, and to examine cargoes, check documents, and talk to crews. These activities are an integral part of the Canadian navy's ongoing presence in the Arabian Sea and adjoining waters, enforcing international sanctions and carrying out anti-piracy and anti-terrorism work.

Boarding Party Coming Aboard the Whitehorse
Painted by Doug Bradford in 2004
CWM 20070020-010

The Dry Dock at Saint John, N.B.
The Merchant Service Is Silent Too!
I was a victim of Careless Talk
Examination Officer Boarding Merchant Ship
Engine Room, SS Kelowna Park (CAN)
Shaft Tunnel, SS Kelowna Park (CAN)
Torpedoed, North Atlantic
Graveyard, Sorel, P.Q.
HMCS Sussexvale
Royal Canadian Navy Recruiting Poster
Naval Reserve Recruiting Poster
HMCS Chaudičre - 1962 Fisheries Patrol
Trainbusting - HMCS Crusader in Korea
HMCS Yukon
Canadian Forces Naval Recruiting Poster
The Watch Below - Engine Room - HMCS Yukon
Hands to Supper - Galley and Steamline - HMCS Yukon
Baltic Patrol
R.A.S. Complete Gulf War
Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel
Esquimalt Base
Colin Peek Standing in Front of the Sea-King Helicopter in His Gear
Boarding Party Coming Aboard the Whitehorse