Explore History

Second World War
The Navy Ashore  - The Navy and the Home Front

The Royal Canadian Navy became a strong presence on Canada's home front during the Second World War. Naval imagery appeared in fundraising and propaganda materials, while Canadians built equipment for the navy, or were encouraged to support it through volunteer work.

Torpedo Depth and Roll Recorder

Canadian firms manufactured equipment for the Royal Canadian Navy, including this torpedo depth and roll recorder made by the Bata Shoe Company.

Fitted into a practice warhead that contained no explosives, the depth and roll recorder measured torpedo performance during testing and training. It recorded the depth at which a torpedo travelled after launching, and whether the torpedo rolled from side to side. If the torpedo ran too deep, or if it rolled from one side to another, it would be less likely to hit its target, or could miss it altogether.

Depth Recorder
CWM 19730234-006