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Second World War
Battle of the Atlantic  - The U-Boats Surrender

With Germany's defeat in May 1945, its U-Boats (submarines) were required to surrender to Allied forces. The Royal Canadian Navy was involved in the surrender of U-Boats in European waters, while U-190 and U-889, surrendering to Canadian forces in the Western Atlantic, were brought to ports in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.

Surrendered U-Boats at Lisahally, Northern Ireland

Following the German surrender, U-Boats in European waters were gathered at designated locations, including Lisahally, Londonderry's port.

This photograph, taken by William Prescott, a sailor aboard HMCS North Bay, shows four surrendered submarines tied up alongside a dock. The United Kingdom's westernmost port, Londonderry, was an important wartime naval base often used by Canadian ships. U-Boats gathered at Lisahally and at Loch Ryan, Scotland, were later taken to sea and scuttled as part of Operation ?Deadlight'.

George Metcalf Archival Collection
CWM 19930128-032