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Second World War (1939-1945)
The Navy in European Waters  - Naval Aviation: HMS Nabob and HMS Puncher

Although HMS Nabob and HMS Puncher were formally part of Britain's Royal Navy and operated from British bases, Canadians commanded and provided most of the crew for these two escort carriers. Severe damage from a German torpedo prematurely ended Nabob's career, but Puncher served until the end of the war.

Flight Deck, HMS Puncher

Members of the bridge crew on HMS Puncher's island (lower left) watch as a flight of Fairey Barracuda torpedo bombers is readied for takeoff.

The massive, awkward-looking Barracuda, originally designed for large aircraft carriers, required rocket assistance and the use of Puncher's single catapult to successfully take off from the ship's relatively short flight deck. The carrier is sailing into the wind to help aircraft get airborne, while an escort vessel (upper right) trails the ship in case aircrew need to be rescued from the sea following a crash.

Flight Deck, HMS Puncher
Painted by Leonard Brooks
Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19710261-1097