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The Early Cold War
Rebuilding and Transformation

The Canadian navy's main Cold War mission was anti-submarine warfare, as it had been in the two world wars. It sought to build a force of ships, personnel, and facilities to fulfill this mission, as well as to pursue other national objectives like sovereignty protection.

Royal Canadian Navy Recruiting Poster

This recruiting poster uses images of naval power and tropical climates to entice Canadians to join the navy.

A lieutenant (left) examines a tropical town (right) with binoculars while sailors (bottom) line the side of the ship. The turret (lower right) has three guns, projecting an impression of naval power. Artist Irwin Crosthwait, who designed this poster, spent time in the cruiser HMCS Ontario in 1945, and the ship's triple gun turrets may have inspired his illustration.

Peacetime Recruiting Poster
CWM 19750317-046