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The Early Cold War
The Korean War

Communist North Korea's invasion of South Korea in June 1950 sparked a devastating three-year war. Eight Canadian destroyers ultimately served in Korean waters as part of Canada's contribution to United Nations forces fighting the invasion.

Trainbusting - HMCS Crusader in Korea

David Landry's painting depicts the Canadian destroyer HMCS Crusader destroying an enemy train with gunfire ("train busting") in April 1953.

During the war, Canadians became especially good at "train busting". This meant running in close to shore, usually at night, and risking damage from Chinese and North Korean artillery in order to destroy trains or tunnels on Korea's coastal railway. Of the 28 trains destroyed by United Nations warships in Korea, Canadian vessels claimed eight. HMCS Crusader, pictured here, destroyed four trains, more than any other "train buster".

Trainbusting - HMCS Crusader in Korea
Painted by David Landry in 1986
Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19860128-002