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The Later Cold War
A Changing Fleet

Canada's navy changed and shrank in the latter part of the Cold War, but continued to face threats and meet alliance obligations. Despite the addition of some newer vessels, by the late 1970s it faced "rust-out" due to the gradual deterioration of ships and equipment.

Model, HMCS Bras d'Or

This model of the Canadian-designed and -built hydrofoil HMCS Bras d'Or was originally built to test the ship's design and performance.

Intended as a high-speed vessel for anti-submarine work, the Bras d'Or could operate like a conventional ship, with its hull floating in the water, or at speeds of up to 60 knots (110 kilometres per hour) travelling on its wing-like foils, with its hull completely out of the water. Testing of the full-sized craft began in 1968, but the program was cancelled in 1971 due to high costs and changing defence priorities.

Model Ship, Hydrofoil
CWM 19801222-001