Objects and Photographs

This section brings together the approximately 700 objects and photographs used in Canada's Naval History. Use this section to directly access objects and photographs grouped by type, as shown below, or use the search function above to search through them by title.

Motor Launch Rescues Crashed Seaplane

This photograph shows a motor launch coming to the rescue of a crashed British seaplane, possibly a Short 184.

The photograph comes from an album owned by Sub-Lieutenant Douglas Urry, a Canadian who served in Royal Navy motor launches. While the launches' primary function was to patrol against U-Boats in the English Channel, they could also be useful in maritime search and rescue. The Royal Naval Air Service flew regular antisubmarine patrols, and unreliable aircraft and unpredictable weather often led to crashes.

George Metcalf Archival Collection
CWM 20030213-002_21