Objects and Photographs

This section brings together the approximately 700 objects and photographs used in Canada's Naval History. Use this section to directly access objects and photographs grouped by type, as shown below, or use the search function above to search through them by title.

Canadian Sailor and German Private, Copenhagen, Denmark

This photograph, likely taken in Copenhagen, shows a Canadian sailor (left) posing with a smiling German private (right).

The sailor's "HMCS" cap tally identifies him as a Canadian, while a tin of cigarettes is clearly outlined under his jumper near his hand. The German private, who still has his rifle, was likely a member of a coastal artillery force stationed in Copenhagen. In mid-May 1945, HMCS Iroquois, along with the British cruisers HMS Dido and HMS Devonshire and the destroyer HMS Savage, spent several days in the recently liberated city.

George Metcalf Archival Collection
CWM 20020039-001_p46b