Objects and Photographs

This section brings together the approximately 700 objects and photographs used in Canada's Naval History. Use this section to directly access objects and photographs grouped by type, as shown below, or use the search function above to search through them by title.

HMS Puncher at Scapa Flow

HMS Puncher, Canada's second escort carrier, spent part of its career stationed at Scapa Flow, the Royal Navy's main North Sea base.

Like HMS Nabob, Puncher had a largely Canadian crew, commanded by Canadian Captain R.E.S. Bidwell. After periods of service ferrying aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean, Puncher twice served as a training ship for naval aircrew, and also operated from Scapa Flow against German shipping along the Norwegian coast. With the conclusion of the war in Europe, Puncher became a troop ship, and helped repatriate Canadian personnel from overseas.

HMS Puncher at Scapa Flow
Painted by Leonard Brooks
Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19710261-1105