Objects and Photographs

This section brings together the approximately 700 objects and photographs used in Canada's Naval History. Use this section to directly access objects and photographs grouped by type, as shown below, or use the search function above to search through them by title.

German Submarine U-118

This postcard shows the surrendered German U-Boat (submarine) U-118 ashore at Hastings, England, in April 1919.

The photograph emphasizes the cylindrical hull of the large, ocean-going, torpedo-armed U-118, its deck gun visible at centre. It also carried mines designed to be laid in the water, where they could sink Allied ships. U-118 had been under tow to a French port when the tow line parted and the U-Boat came adrift, eventually running ashore at Hastings where it drew large crowds.

George Metcalf Archival Collection
CWM 19780743-009