Special Themes

The Navy: A Century in Art
The Navy's Wars

A long and distinguished combat record is central to the navy's history and traditions. An armed force in support of Canadian national interests, it continues to perform a wide variety of important roles, from war fighting and peace support operations, to disaster relief and search and rescue.

Daybreak, Gulf of Korea
Painted by Edward (Ted) Zuber in 1978

The Korean War (1950-1953) exemplified the value of naval power in a period of uneasy global peace.

The unexpected conflict led to the initial deployment of three Canadian warships and a squadron of transport aircraft, the vanguard of what would become a lengthy commitment with a large ground force element. In this work, Korean War veteran Ted Zuber depicts a Canadian destroyer, firing at shore targets.

Beaverbrook Collection of War Art
CWM 19890328-013