Frequently asked questions
Bookings are accepted on the Canadian War Museum website via the forms on the book a box page.
Bookings for the winter/spring semester (February to June 2024) begin at 10 am (ET) on November 27. To receive an email reminder of the launch date, we invite you to join our Teachers’ Club — it’s free! Requests for Discovery Boxes are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
There is no charge to the school. Discovery Boxes are free to borrow. The cost of shipping is also covered by the Canadian War Museum.
The Canadian War Museum wants the Discovery Boxes to reach as many schools as possible. For that reason, loans will be limited to either one First World War Discovery Box or one Second World War Discovery Box per school, per semester. We encourage teachers to share the Discovery Box between classes while it is at their school.
Please note that schools are eligible to borrow one History Box from the Canadian Museum of History and one Discovery Box from the Canadian War Museum within the same semester.
The Discovery Box will be delivered by courier. Arrangements will be coordinated by the Canadian War Museum’s loans department. Please ensure that someone is available to receive the delivery at the arranged time.
Discovery Box loans are available only to primary, elementary, intermediate or high schools in Canada.
During the summer, the Discovery Boxes will return to the Canadian War Museum for maintenance and will not be available to borrow.
About the Discovery Boxes
All material developed by the Canadian War Museum for the Discovery Boxes is available in both French and English. When artifacts or archival material included in the Discovery Box are unilingual, we provide either an equivalent piece in each language, or a translation of the text.
Using the Discovery Box
Yes. All objects can and should be handled by students!
The clothing items included in the Discovery Boxes are all reproduction materials. They are sturdy enough to be worn, provided that they are treated with care.
Note: Small-Box Respirator (gas mask): The Small Box Respirator in the First World War Discovery Box has a mouth-piece. For sanitary reasons, we recommend that students do not put their mouths on the mouth-piece.
Note: Hats and Jackets: While living with lice was a reality for most soldiers, this is not the authentic experience we want for students. Please use your best judgment regarding allowing students to try on and share the clothing, in particular hats and jackets.
Note: Field Dressing: Please do not attempt to open the Field Dressing. The Field Dressing in the Second World War Discovery Box is a reproduction and does not contain anything.
No, the teacher resources and USB stick must be kept with the Discovery Box of origin. However, you may copy any of the materials you wish.
Please do not write on or alter any items in the Discovery Box. If you have comments regarding any of the contents, please contact us at supplyline@warmuseum.ca.
Lost, stolen, damaged and missing items
The cost to replace a Discovery Box is $2,200. The school responsible for the reservation will be charged the full replacement cost if the Discovery Box is not returned.
When the Discovery Box arrives at your school you will be required to complete an artifact inventory and condition check. If any items are missing or damaged, please notify the Canadian War Museum immediately and we will send a replacement object.
If an item is broken while the Discovery Box is in your school, please notify the Canadian War Museum so we can send a replacement object.
Other questions
The Canadian War Museum offers many additional online and on-site educational resources. Visit our educational resources pages for teachers to get started.
Email: supplyline@warmuseum.ca
Telephone: 819-776-8669
Telephone (cell): 613-851-0520
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