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Human Library – Witnessing Conflict

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Have you ever wished your books could come to life? At the Canadian War Museum’s Human Library, they can!

The Human Library is being offeredin conjunction with the temporary exhibition Witness – Canadian Art of the First World War.  Choose from over a dozen “Human Books”; they all have stories to share about witnessing conflict, at home and abroad.

On June 21stand 22nd, browse our Human Library and check out a “Human Book” for a 20-minute conversation.  Learn what being a witness means to “ordinary” Canadians, and ask your questions!

Registration opens in the lobby of the Canadian War Museum at 10:30am on both days of the event.

Join the conversation online! @CanWarMuseum #WitnessCWM or


An Artist in Khandahar

When she signed up to participate in the Canadian Forces Artists Program in 2007, Karen Bailey never expected to be sent to Afghanistan. She also never imagined her experience at Role 3 Hospital in Kandahar would lead to a commission to paint the official portrait of Michaëlle Jean, 27th Governor General of Canada.  Come ask Karen how she witnessed war through an artists’ lens. Language: English

Only available Saturday, June 21


Memories of Conflict

Laurent Beaulieu understands what it means to witness conflict. He spent time deployed in Kuwait and Sudan where he lived with the threat of violence, had to adapt to new situations, and learned to put his duty before himself. Come talk to Laurent, and discover his story of conflict from the ground. Language: English and French


A Military Legacy

A graduate of the Royal Military College in 1965, Mike Braham started his career in the Navy. Following in his family’s military footsteps, he has been posted in Canada, the United States and Brussels . During the later half of the Cold War, Mike worked with Emergency Preparedness Canada. Through the stories of his grandfather, father, mother, and his own experience Mike has a unique perspective to war and how it affects us for generations. Language: English


Students Witness the Past

Rachel Collishaw, a history teacher at Glebe Collegiate, has developed a memorial project for past students who did not return from the Second World War.  The present students research and become familiar with these young men.  In creating a memorial, the students become witnesses and advocates for the past.  A teacher for 16 years, Rachel is a recipient of the Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Teaching.  Language: English

Only available Sunday, June 22


Facing War in Former Yugoslavia

John Davidson was deployed on a very active peace implementation tour in Yugoslavia for 15 months while his wife, Raymonde Davidson, stayed at home with their two daughters.  The family was concerned with how to maintain contact with each other and how John could share his experiences with them.  Join both John and Raymonde to hear their story from two perspectives. Language: English and French


The Memory Painter

As an artist specializing in portraiture and war art, Elaine Goble seeks to bear witness to conflict, and aims to bring a true narrative to life in her work. She believes the story lies in the interview process before the production of a painting. Her artworks are held in numerous collections across North America including the Canadian War Museum, the Royal Canadian Mint, and the National Library and Archives Canada. Language: English


Afghanistan – August 3, 2006

Major Jon Hamilton witnessed war and conflict first hand during multiple tours overseas.  Listen to him tell the story of August 3rd, 2006 when he led a group of 14 soldiers on an assault against 150-200 Taliban insurgents.  Against the odds, they captured their objective but lost three soldiers in the attack.  Major Hamilton was wounded during this attack. Language: English


On Convoy

Master Warrant Officer William MacDonald was deployed to Afghanistan in 2006.  It started out like any other tour.  Slowly, engagements escalated, until William’s platoon sustained combat every single day for almost a month.  William compares this experience with his other deployments, and had the opportunity to witness conflict from different perspectives. Language: English


Never Say Never!

Major (Retired) Gordon Ohlke joined the Canadian Forces (Infantry) in 1978, and worked throughout his career in various positions and operations. His specialty training includes imagery analysis, signals intelligence analysis, Russian language and psychological operations. He witnessed conflict through both planning and operations initiatives. Language: English


Mapping Time

Local artist Leslie Reid spent three weeks with the Canadian Forces Artists Program retracing the swaths of northern Canada that her father flew over as pilot for the 414 Photo Squadron.  The 414 Photo Squadron was tasked with photographing millions of miles of northern Canada, in order to create accurate maps that would be used for years for issues of sovereignty, navigation, exploration, and development.  Language: English and French


Combat Tours in Afghanistan

As a Medical Technician, Master Corporal Martin Rouleau has been deployed to Afghanistan three times. As part of his duties, he has been involved in many situations which brought him close to the Afghan population.  He has witnessed how war affects people and places before, during and after the conflict. Languages: English and French


The Costs and Benefits of Our Service

Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremy Small was deployed to Afghanistan in 2002-2003.  During his time overseas he witnessed the benefits of service, like the defence and security of our country.  He also experiences losses, including the physical and emotional wounding of friends and colleagues. When Jeremy himself fell ill after his deployment he saw the effects it had on his family.  Hear about the benefits and the costs of war.  Language: English and French


Staging Trauma: Sensitivity or Sensationalism?

Bronwyn Steinberg is the producer and director of the recent play Corpus, a piece of historical fiction set during the Second World War.  Visit with Bronwyn to discover how her Jewish heritage and the “third generation version of survivor’s guilt” she feels compelled her to stage this production, allowing people today to “witness” this past conflict.

Language: English  Only available on Sunday, June 22.


Staff Officer in Afghanistan

Major (Retired) Scott Usborne was the Senior Liaison Officer from the Canadian Task Force to the Regional Command South Headquarters in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2010/2011.  He witnessed the conflict from Headquarters looking at overall Canadian participation.  His perspective is different from those on the ground, but just as interesting! Language: English


Hope for the Future

Retired teacher, Ellie Wilkinson, has made it her professional mission to teach healthier ways to manage conflict by promoting the use of Restorative Justice. In 2005, she also accompanied Canadian students to Serbia who, with Serbian youth, ran a peace conference, which led to the creation of the NFB film “Hope for the Future.” Language: English



Ted Zuber, a well-knownCanadian artist, enlisted in 1950 at the outbreak of the Korean War.  He participated in this conflict as a sniper. Though he painted unofficially in Korea, during the Gulf War, Ted was commissioned as a war artist.  Some of his war art is on display at the Canadian War Museum. Language: English Only available Sunday, June 22


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English French