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Make Do and Mend – Knitting Socks

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Ever wanted to try wartime knitting? This fun session offers helpful tips and tricks, including how to choose yarn and how to translate vintage needle sizes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022
1 p.m. (EST)

During the Second World War, many Canadians supported the war effort by knitting garments and accessories for men and women serving in the Armed Forces. People knit on buses, in classrooms, and even while waiting to be served in restaurants.

Using a basic wartime sock pattern, Christine LeGrow and Shirley A. Scott — authors of the award-winning Saltwater Knits book series — will describe different stages in the project, while offering helpful tips along the way.

This lively session will also feature historical background from the War Museum’s Dr. Stacey Barker, Historian, Arts and Military History, and Molly McCullough, Curator, Parks Canada. Together, they will shed light on the important contributions of volunteer knitters during the Second World War, and share a few knitting-related artifacts from the Museum’s collections.

In English with simultaneous translation in French.

Register on Zoom

Photo at top of page:
Courtesy of Nova Scotia Archives
E.A. Bollinger
1975-305 1942 no. 655-39c

Dates & Times
English French