06 Photographs
Life at the Front Photographs

Taking a Break

Early Memorial

A Canadian Cemetery

An Improvised Desk

A Private Moment


Posing in Pickelhaubes

Souvenir Hunters

War Trophy

Getting the Shot

Women's Suffrage

Dominion Day

Burial Ground at Somme

Canadian Graves

West Beach, Gallipoli

Canadian Nurses

Beneath Barbed Wire

Untended Canadian Graves

Wounded Underage Soldier

Buy Victory Bonds

Every Vote Counts

Voting up the Line

Japanese Canadian in Uniform

French Children near the Front

Preparing for Leave


Pole Vault

Officers' Race

Line-up at a YMCA Hut

Play Ball!

New YMCA Canteen

Reserve Trenches

Rest and Repair

Out of the Line

An Operation

The Long and Short of It

Draining Trenches

Funk Hole

A Dry Trench

German Pillbox

Repairing Guns

Crossing the Canal du Nord

The Canadians in Mons

Resting in Mons

Canadians Marching into Mons

Putting on the Detonators

Small-Arms Repair

Sniping School

Cleaning Armoured Cars

Model Trenches

Telephone Wire

Unloading Heavy Shells

Loading Rations for the Front

Used Shell Casings

Ammunition Loading Point

Pack Horses

Fodder for Horses

Protecting Soldiers and Horses

Carrying Logs

Men of the Forestry Corps

Using Ruins to Build Tracks

Building Light Railway

Supporting the War Effort

Washing Day

Loading Ammunition

Kite Balloon

Bristol Fighter Aircraft

Reserve Trench

In the Trenches

A Haircut

Lunch in the Trenches

Making Use of a Shell Hole

Repairing Trenches

Writing Home

Illegal Trench Photography

Enjoying a Wash

Cooking in the Trenches

Canadian Field Post Office

A Letter from Home

Bringing up the Mail

Tending to a Grave

Sharing Cigarettes

A Game of Cards

Church Service

Chaplain Addressing Forestry Corps

Military Police

Decorating Soldiers

Honouring Bravery

On the Way To Blighty

Break Before Moving up the Line

Papers from Home

Entertaining Comrades

Whizz Bangs

The Dumbells

Clowning for the Crowd

Getting into Character

Man's Best Friend

Goat Mascot

Dentist's Office


Nursing Sister Halpenny

Reception Tent

Casualty Clearing Station

A Canadian Grave