05 Propaganda
Materials for the War Effort

"Kultur vs. Humanity"

Don't Waste Bread!

U Boote Heraus! (U-Boats Launch!)

The Great Army Smoke


Make Perfect Shells

Inspector's Identification Badge

War Worker Badge

Farm Service Corps

Recognizing Service

Back Him Up!

Souscrivez a l'Emprunt de la Victoire (Subscribe to the Victory Loan)

If You Can't Join Him, You Should Help Her

Fight with Food

Canadians Must Provide

If You Cannot Put the "I" into Fight

Patriotic Fund Button

Victory Loan Representative

Doing My Bit

Come On!

Victory Bond Button

Chocolate Box

My Dad Is at the Front

Four Reasons

He Kept His Pledge

If Ye Break Faith...

1917 Patriotic Fund Supporter