Learning Tools

In this section, educators, teachers and parents will find lesson plans, interactive activities, and resources to help make history engaging in classrooms and homes. Students can also explore this section, as well as the whole website, on their own.

All educational assets support the main message of the In Their Own Voices exhibition: The impact of war and military service on Canadian veterans, their loved ones, and Canada continues long after a veteran’s military service ends, in ways that can be profound, intimate and far-ranging.

Educator FAQ

Find quick answers to your questions with our Q & A guide for educators about the In Their Own Voices website.

Learning Activity

Analyze Oral History Interviews

Learn to work with primary sources. This activity guides students through the process of exploring oral history interviews. Recommended for secondary school.

In Their Own Voices: Stories From Canadian Veterans and Their Loved ones is an oral history project about veterans’ post-war and post-service lives. It consists of more than 200 interviews, a selection of which are featured in this online exhibition. Full transcripts and details of all In Their Own Voices interviews can be found through the Canadian War Museum’s online catalogue: Search the Collection. You can also request access to audio and video recordings of the interviews through the Canadian War Museum’s Miliary History Research Centre: mhrc-crhm@warmuseum.ca

In Their Own Voices: Stories From Canadian Veterans and Their Loved ones is generously funded by donors including the A. Britton Smith Family; the Azrieli Foundation; Arthur B.C. Drache, C.M., K.C., and Judy Young Drache; The Royal Canadian Legion; The Legion National Foundation; Friends of the Canadian War Museum; the Crabtree Foundation; Robert Stollery, in honour of his service in the Second World War; Colonel (Ret’d) Stanley A. Milner, O.C., A.O.E., M.S.M., C.D., LL.D.; and individuals from across Canada.