Learning Tools / Historical Overview

Canada and the First World War

AUGUST 4, 1914–NOVEMBER 11, 1918

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After years of tension and rivalry, Europe’s Great Powers went to war in 1914. What began as an armed conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia quickly grew into a global war that lasted four years. Fighting as a dominion within the British Empire, Canada’s contribution led to growing autonomy and international recognition, but at great cost. The war was one of the most far-reaching and traumatic events in Canadian history.


Canada’s military forces fought primarily on the Western Front. The armies of citizen-soldiers used mass-produced weapons and ammunition in battles that lasted weeks or months and killed or wounded hundreds of thousands.

Canada entered the war on the Allied side, alongside France, Belgium, Russia and Britain. They fought the Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

More than 600,000 Canadian men enlisted or were conscripted, along with 2,800 women who served as nurses. Newfoundland, then a separate British dominion and not yet a province of Canada, contributed 12,000 military personnel out of a pre-war population of 242,000. Of those who served in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the war, approximately 424,000 did so overseas.

The Canadian Corps, the nation’s primary fighting force, fought in key battles in Flanders, on the Somme, at Vimy, and during the Hundred Days campaign. It achieved significant victories and suffered devastating losses before an armistice ended hostilities in 1918. The war killed more than 66,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders. Some 550,000 who served survived and began new lives as veterans.


The First World War ended in a complete Allied victory but an unstable peace. This contributed to festering anger and grief, along with setting the conditions that led to fascist dictators and another world war. Canada was forever changed by the experience, stepping out on the world stage and being recognized for its massive contributions, but also deeply divided over the conscription crisis. Canadians, and their country were never the same.

Banner photo:

Stretcher-bearers carry a wounded Canadian soldier to a medical post.

George Metcalf Archival Collection Canadian War Museum 19930013-464

In Their Own Voices: Stories From Canadian Veterans and Their Loved ones is an oral history project about veterans’ post-war and post-service lives. It consists of more than 200 interviews, a selection of which are featured in this online exhibition. Full transcripts and details of all In Their Own Voices interviews can be found through the Canadian War Museum’s online catalogue: Search the Collection. You can also request access to audio and video recordings of the interviews through the Canadian War Museum’s Miliary History Research Centre: mhrc-crhm@warmuseum.ca

In Their Own Voices: Stories From Canadian Veterans and Their Loved ones is generously funded by donors including the A. Britton Smith Family; the Azrieli Foundation; Arthur B.C. Drache, C.M., K.C., and Judy Young Drache; The Royal Canadian Legion; The Legion National Foundation; Friends of the Canadian War Museum; the Crabtree Foundation; Robert Stollery, in honour of his service in the Second World War; Colonel (Ret’d) Stanley A. Milner, O.C., A.O.E., M.S.M., C.D., LL.D.; and individuals from across Canada.