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In Their Own Voices: Stories From Canadian Veterans and Their Loved ones is an oral history project about veterans’ post-war and post-service lives. It consists of more than 200 interviews, a selection of which are featured in this online exhibition. Full transcripts and details of all In Their Own Voices interviews can be found through the Canadian War Museum’s online catalogue: Search the Collection. You can also request access to audio and video recordings of the interviews through the Canadian War Museum’s Miliary History Research Centre:

In Their Own Voices: Stories From Canadian Veterans and Their Loved ones is generously funded by donors including the A. Britton Smith Family; the Azrieli Foundation; Arthur B.C. Drache, C.M., K.C., and Judy Young Drache; The Royal Canadian Legion; The Legion National Foundation; Friends of the Canadian War Museum; the Crabtree Foundation; Robert Stollery, in honour of his service in the Second World War; Colonel (Ret’d) Stanley A. Milner, O.C., A.O.E., M.S.M., C.D., LL.D.; and individuals from across Canada.