Royal Military College cadets saluting the headstone of the Unknown Soldier, Remembrance Day 2010.
© Canadian War Museum, photo Steven Darby, CWM2011-0055-0131-Dm
Royal Military College cadets saluting the headstone of the Unknown Soldier, Remembrance Day 2010.
© Canadian War Museum, photo Steven Darby, CWM2011-0055-0131-Dm

The late Helen Rapp, Canadian Women’s Army Corps veteran, Second World War, Remembrance Day 2012.
© Canadian War Museum, photo Mark Holleron, CWM2012-0064-0055-Dm
The late Helen Rapp, Canadian Women’s Army Corps veteran, Second World War, Remembrance Day 2012.
© Canadian War Museum, photo Mark Holleron, CWM2012-0064-0055-Dm
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