Canadian War Museum exhibition to present Canada’s experience of war in current Afghanistan struggle

December 12, 2006

Canadian War Museum exhibition to present Canada’s experience of war in current Afghanistan struggle

Ottawa, Ontario, December 12, 2006 — Early next year, the Canadian War Museum will open Afghanistan: A Glimpse of War, a groundbreaking new exhibition on Canada’s participation in the international security mission in Afghanistan. Detailing the modern experience of conflict through personal accounts collected by journalists in the field, this exhibition will show Canada’s involvement in the “war on terror” and in the rebuilding of a country shattered by years of war. The exhibition will open on Friday, February 9, 2007.

“This exhibition will offer a glimpse of a current conflict, one involving Canadians in the type of heavy combat we have not seen since the Korean War” said Mr. Joe Geurts, Director and CEO of the Canadian War Museum. “By presenting an exhibition that deals with such an important and timely issue, the War Museum hopes it will help Canadians see that history is dynamic and that it is being shaped every day.”

Based on the photographic and video records captured by journalists Stephen Thorne and Garth Pritchard during several of their visits to Afghanistan, the exhibition focuses on the personal experiences of Canadian military personnel and the lives of the Afghans with whom their efforts intersect. The exhibition will also profile the current conflict in Afghanistan, from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks to the deployment of Canadian troops to the region, and their continuing operations.

Afghanistan: A Glimpse of war will feature a number of important artifacts to convey the Canadian and Afghan human experience during this current struggle. These include wreckage from a Canadian military vehicle destroyed by a roadside bomb, a piece of aircraft wreckage from the World Trade Centre terrorist bombing, and material from the Afghan national election.

This exhibition will elucidate Canada’s past and current role in Afghanistan and will provide a venue for informed discussion of contemporary military issues. To complement the exhibition, the Museum will offer a range of public programs including guest speakers, innovative workshops and expert walk and talk tours. Afghanistan: A Glimpse of War will run from February 9, 2007 to January 6, 2008.

An exhibition developed by the Canadian War Museum, featuring images by journalists Stephen Thorne and Garth Pritchard.

Information (media):

Christina Selin
Senior Communications Officer
Canadian War Museum
Telephone: 819 776-8607

Pierre Leduc
Media Relations Officer
Canadian War Museum
Phone: 819 776-8608

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