Canadian War Museum successful in its bid to acquire the Canon Frederick G. Scott medal set at auction

July 22, 2010

Posted on: 22/07/2010

Canadian War Museum successful in its bid to acquire the
Canon Frederick G. Scott medal set at auction

Ottawa, Ontario, July 19, 2010 — The Canadian War Museum is delighted to announce its successful purchase at auction on Friday of the Canon Frederick G. Scott medal set, which includes the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George as well as the Distinguished Conduct Medal.

“Lieutenant-Colonel Scott’s story is an important part of our national heritage,” said Mark O’Neill, the Museum’s Director General. “The story of this great Canadian and his contribution to our history deserves to be preserved in our national military museum.”

LCol Scott was Senior Chaplain with the First Canadian Infantry Division during the First World War, and was mentioned in dispatches four times between 1916 and the end of the war in 1918. He was also an accomplished poet and served Anglican parishes in the province of Quebec.

The medal set was purchased with the assistance of the Museum’s National Collection Fund. The Fund, which is an ongoing fundraising initiative established in 2005 by the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, enables the Canadian War Museum and the Canadian Museum of Civilization to acquire artifacts that might otherwise have been lost to Canada’s national heritage.

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