REMINDER – UBC Press New Releases Book Launch

October 21, 2010

Posted on: 21/10/2010

REMINDER – UBC Press New Releases Book Launch

On Thursday, October 28, join Canadian historians James G. Fergusson, Serge Marc Durflinger, Benjamin Isitt and James Wood in an enlightening discussion moderated by Maclean’s writer and foreign correspondent Michael Petrou about their most recent books on military history. Cash bar and book signing will follow the discussion. 

The books:
Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1954–2009
Déjà vu all over again
James G. Fergusson
This insightful book offers the first full account, based on newly declassified information, of Canada’s uncertain response to U.S. ballistic missile defence initiatives and reveals the implications of our political hesitance.

Veterans with a Vision
Canada’s War Blinded in Peace and War
Serge Marc Durflinger
A vibrant, poignant and very human history of war-blinded veterans and of the advocacy organization they founded, the Sir Arthur Pearson Association of War Blinded.

From Victoria to Vladivostok
Canada’s Siberian Expedition, 1917–19
Benjamin Isitt
A highly readable and provocative book that brings to life a forgotten chapter in history: the journey of 4,200 Canadian soldiers from Victoria, B.C., to Vladivostok in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

Militia Myths
Ideas of the Canadian Citizen Soldier, 1896–1921
James Wood
Militia Myths is a cultural history of the Canadian amateur military tradition from 1896 to 1921, tracing the evolution of the citizen soldier ideal, which lay at the foundation of how Canadians experienced the First World War.  

WHAT:           UBC Press Book Launch
WHEN:          Thursday, October 28 at 6:30
WHERE:        Canadian War Museum, Barney Danson Theatre
COST:           Free

Media Information

Chief, Media Relations
Canadian War Museum
Telephone: 819 776-7167

Media Relations Officer
Canadian War Museum
Tel.: 819 776-8607

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