You think of coming to the aid of the men stuck in No Man’s Land, then hesitate. At that moment, your friend George climbs over the parapet and runs towards the stranded men. It is a brave, yet reckless charge, liable to get him killed at any instant.
Just before he reaches the crater’s lip, you notice another soldier emerging from the hole with one of the wounded men over his shoulder.
The soldier passes George (who disappears into the crater) and reaches your position in less than fifteen seconds. You help him lower the wounded man inside the trench then peer into No Man’s Land to see what has become of your friend.
The shelling from the German mortars has doubled in intensity and through the smoke, you finally see George emerging alone from the crater. Miraculously, he succeeds in returning to the trenches without so much as a scratch. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Jarvis and a handful of men have arrived on the scene.
– “You’ve had enough action for tonight” he declares to the two of you, “Go over to your dugout and get some shut eye.”
Tired and weary, you stumble back toward your dugout, where the two of you slump into your cots and quickly fall asleep.