The bombs begin to fall in earnest and you realize that the safest course of action is to return to your own dugout.
– “Let’s go!” you shout to George, who simply nods and follows you.
Each explosion heaves a mountain of earth into the sky and it seems as if each blast is trying to catch up to you.
You run wildly down the communication trench, occasionally tripping over mounds of dirt and various debris. George is right behind you, grabbing you by the arm to help you up and get you on your way.
Surprisingly, you reach the forward trenches in less than six minutes. Finding your dugout, you practically throw yourself inside, much to the amazement of your comrades.
– “Terry! George! We thought you were goners!” they say in astonishment.
You carefully check yourself from head to toe, making sure that everything is present and accounted for. A quick glance to your friend George reassures you that he has also escaped unscathed.
– “What about the wire?” he asks.
– “Forget it,” replies Sergeant Wilkes, “you can fetch it tomorrow after the ‘rain’ lets up.”