– “I should hardly think the Germans would shoot their own men.” you announce with some satisfaction as the prisoners file outside their dugout with their hands atop their heads.
– “If we could bring them all back to our side,” adds George, “we’d probably get a medal and maybe even home leave.”
No sooner are the prisoners brought out into the trench, however, than one of them darts off. Levelling his rifle, Sergeant Wilkes manages to let off a shot which kills the escaped prisoner instantly. The other Germans, in reaction, have crouched down and covered their heads.
In the distance, other voices can be heard and an alarm is sounded.
– “Damn!” exclaims Sergeant Wilkes, “why’d he have to do that! All right, lads. No time for games now. Leave these fellows behind and let’s get out of here. All hell is about to break loose.”
The three of you climb over the parapet and sling your rifles behind your backs. Before leaving, Sergeant Wilkes takes a couple of grenades out of his pack, pulls out the pins and lobs them over the sandbags where they detonate in a shattering explosion.
The three of you then disappear into the night.