Despite the short distance to safety, you decide to stay where you are and follow the lead of Sergeant Wilkes, who has given the password to the nervous sentries standing in the forward observation post. Having cleared this last hurdle, Sergeant Wilkes shouts for you to follow him over the last few feet to safety. The incessant shelling wakes you from a dream-like state and you manage to get out of your hole and reach your own lines.
You are escorted by Lieutenant Jarvis and half a dozen other men to a nearby dugout, where a glass filled with rum is handed over to you. Badly shaken and racked by remorse over your friend’s death, you empty three glasses of the burning liquor before slumping into a nearby cot. As Lieutenant Jarvis questions Sergeant Wilkes about the night raid, you begin to feel sluggish and drowsy. Finally, closing your eyes, the distant sound of shell blasts echo in your mind as you fall fast asleep.