For the next four hours, George and you stand atop the firesteps trying desperately to stay warm while keeping your ears open for any signs of enemy activity.
Suddenly, you hear a sneeze coming from out of the dark.
– “Did you do that?” asks George nervously.
– “I most certainly did not!” you reply, bringing your rifle slightly over the parapet.
Then, from No Man’s Land, you hear a voice.
– “Help us! We are hurt!”
George and you stare at one another dumb-founded.
– “They’re on our side!” exclaims George.
– “Wait! It could be a trick!” you reply. “What’s the password?” you shout to the unknown voice.
You hear nothing but the faint whistle of the cold, winter wind.
– “We are needing help! Please!” comes the long-awaited reply.
George looks at you again with an air of indecision and worry.