Over The Top


 – “What is it?” asks one of the diggers.

– “Germans!” you guess, “Another three feet and we should almost be inside their dugout! C’mon, let’s keep digging!”

For the next ten minutes, you and the men around you work quickly yet quietly, for fear of giving away your position to the enemy. Meanwhile, the scraping sounds have ceased on the other side, which does nothing to alleviate your feeling of impending doom.

– “Sure is quiet over there!” ventures one man, listening intently for any sounds coming from the other side.

With sweat dripping from your forehead, you plunge your shovel into the dwindling pile of chalk when suddenly, a terrifying explosion sends a wall of earth flying into your face.

In less than two seconds, a large German mine has been detonated, instantly killing you and the men in your tunnel, burying you in the process under tons of chalk and earth.