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Membership Privacy Notice

The Canadian Museum of History (the Museum) is a federal Crown corporation dedicated to advancing Canadian history and world history and cultures.

The Museum — which includes the Canadian War Museum, Digital Museums Canada, and the Virtual Museum of New France — sells memberships to the Canadian Museum of History and the Canadian War Museum online, under section 9(1)(p) of the Museums Act. As part of the membership purchase process, the Museum collects your first name, last name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, preferred language, join date, and expiry date. The Museum also collects financial information (credit card or banking information) to process your payment.

The Family, Supporter, and Investor categories of membership cover membership for multiple individuals. In these cases, the details of the primary member are recorded, as well as the first and last name of the secondary member, and the relationship between the primary and secondary members. Mandatory fields for membership purchase are noted in red and must be completed for membership purchase. Date of birth and photograph are optional fields, as are middle name, suffix, and title fields for both primary and secondary members.

The Museum offers the opportunity to renew your membership online. In these cases, the Museum asks for your member account number, as well as your last name and payment information. The Museum also offers the opportunity to provide a friend, family member, or loved one with a gift membership. In these cases, the gift recipient activates the membership by providing the Museum with their membership details by telephone or in-person.

Personal information obtained by the Museum is kept securely in line with the Privacy Act. A member’s personal information is accessed and used by Museum representatives on a strict need-to-know basis (for example, only when necessary to fulfill their specific duties). Personal information will only be used for the original purpose of collection or a consistent use unless authorized or permitted by law. Members’ personal information is not rented, sold or traded with third parties.

Communicating with you

The personal information collected for membership purposes is used to communicate offers, news, events and opportunities to support the Museum. In the event that a member visits the Museum, this fact is recorded in the Museum’s membership database. The contact information of members is shared with suppliers for correspondence and promotional purposes in line with the Privacy Act and telemarketing legislation. For more information about Museum memberships, to correct your personal information, to tailor what communications you receive, or to opt out of receiving future correspondence, please call 1-800-555-5621 or email

Questions about your privacy

Please see the Museum’s website privacy notice for additional information about privacy practices, including online membership transactions.

Questions concerning this Privacy Notice should be directed to

For more information about how to protect your privacy online, please visit the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.