The finding aids available from the Military History Research Centre are inventories or guides to specific collections of archival material or historical documents that are held in either the George Metcalf Archival Collection or the Hartland Molson Library.
Each finding aid includes a description of the scope and content of a collection, notes on its arrangement, and a detailed inventory of the collection in order to assist researchers in locating relevant material.

Researchers interested in consulting materials outlined in the finding aids are required to make an appointment to allow adequate time for the retrieval of material. Please contact the Military History Research Centre three working days in advance of your visit to book an appointment, and provide at that time a list of the materials you would like to consult during your visit.
Please note that finding aids have been created for only a small number of the Military History Research Centre’s collections. Researchers are encouraged to search the Military History Research Centre’s complete holdings via the online collection. Also, not all of the finding aids are available in electronic format.
All of the finding aids are in the process of being translated; ten of the 30 guides are currently available in English and French.
Paper version only
- Private Ernest Percival Bartlett Collection
- Brigadier General Clayton Ernest Beattie Collection
- Boucher-Harvie Collection (William Robert Boucher and Captain Douglas Andrew Harvie
- Canadian Battlefields Foundation Collection
- Canadian Expeditionary Force Official Photographs
- Major Kenneth Edgar Clayton-Kennedy Collection
- Herbert Gordon Clemens Collection
- Lieutenant Colonel Waring Gerald Cosbie Collection
- Hendershot Family Collection (Second Lieutenant Charles Cecil Hendershot & Squadron Leader Warren Francis Hendershot)
- Flight Officer Thomas Reid Jones Collection
- John Griffith McConnell Collection
- Air Vice Marshal Clifford Mackay McEwen Collection
- Oral History Collection
- General William Dillon Otter Collection
- RCAF Radar Officers Collection
- Sheet music collection
- Thomas Earl Walker Collection
Downloadable PDF aids
To book an appointment please call 819-776-8652 or email us at