The Museum’s galleries and public spaces present a wide array of exhibitions on Canadian and world history.
To optimize your visit, the Museum provides a full-colour Museum guide. Featuring the main galleries and exhibition spaces, this brochure draws attention to points of interest that you can use to chart your progress through the Museum.
The Museum guide is also available in:
- Algonquin (Anishinabemowin) (PDF)
- Inuktitut (PDF)
- Michif-Cree (PDF)
A simplified version of the Museum guide is offered in seven different languages. They are available at the Information Desk or from the links below:

Vimy 1917, Gallery 2
Canadian War Museum, CWM2019-0032-0014-Dm
Main level
The galleries on the main level of the Museum feature exhibitions about the Canadian experience of conflict – from early wars in Canada to the present. Also located on the main level, the Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae Gallery is devoted to changing exhibitions. Some of these exhibitions are designed by the Canadian War Museum; others are produced by Canadian as well as international institutions. Other outstanding galleries offer places for remembrance and reflection, including the Royal Canadian Legion Hall of Honour and the Memorial Hall.

LeBreton Gallery
Canadian War Museum, CWM2019-0032-0005-Dm
Lower level
The Lebreton Gallery on the lower level features the Museum’s military technology collection. Visitors will also find the Moriyama Regeneration Hall, a quiet and inspiring place of rest.

Museum roof
Canadian War Museum, CWM2011-0065-0081-Dm
The roof
Native self-seeding grasses create the Museum’s low-maintenance green roof, one of the largest of its kind in Canada. Seasonal access to the roof is outside the Museum.