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The Canadian War

For Canadians, the War of 1812 was the successful defence of a small colony against attack by a much larger neighbour.

The Battle of Queenston Heights, 13 October 1812

The Battle of Queenston Heights, 13 October 1812
Painting by John David Kelly, around 1896
Library and Archives Canada, 1954-153-1


The Battle of Queenston Heights, 13 October 1812
Painting by John David Kelly, around 1896
Library and Archives Canada, 1954-153-1

Canadians endured repeated invasions and occasional occupations, but each invasion ultimately ended with an American withdrawal. The Royal Navy and British Army supported by Canadian regulars, Canadian militia, and First Peoples warriors, successfully defended Canada. Isaac Brock, Charles de Salaberry, Laura Secord, and Tecumseh became, and remain, iconic Canadian figures. The successful defence of Canada allowed British North America to evolve into an independent transcontinental country.

“The Americans were in high spirits, and when I said I was Canadian, one of the officers laughed and said, “You'll soon be under the Yankey government, my boy.” I was sassy, like most boys of my age, and I said, “I'm not so sure about that.” — Jacob Cline, Canadian, 13 years old, 1813
“June 2012 will mark 200 years since the declaration of the War of 1812 — a war that saw Aboriginal peoples, local and volunteer militias, and English- and French-speaking regiments fight together to save Canada from American invasion.” — Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, from the Prime Minister's Message: “The War of 1812 - The Fight for Canada,” 18 June 2011
“A Country defended by Free men, enthusiastically devoted to the cause of their King and Constitution, can never be Conquered.” — Isaac Brock, British General, 1812
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