All three complexes of Late Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture fall
into what is commonly referred to as the Early and Middle Woodland
or Initial Woodland period spanning 1,000 B.C. to A.D. 500. The
word 'Woodland' identifies the appearance of a single new item of
technology - pottery, and for classificatory convenience
brings the pre-pottery Archaic period to an end. The territory
occupied by Late Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture was the Lower
Great Lakes, the eastern part of the Lake Huron basin, the St.
Lawrence River to Québec City, the western portion of the
Eastern Townships of Québec, northern New York and Vermont.
A number of factors have complicated the process of attempting a
synthesis of the archaeology of this region during Period IV.
While the territory was mainly covered by the Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence Forest vegetation province, its southern and northern
margins were occupied by the Deciduous Forest and the Boreal
Forest vegetation provinces, respectively. These different
vegetation provinces were, in large part, home to different
archaeological cultures which interacted with their neighbours
in complex ways. Archaeological reports have tended to be
regionally focused with the archaeological record being presented
as seen from Ontario, Québec, Vermont, New York or, more
often, from even smaller regions within the preceding provinces
and states. This regional focus has been further exacerbated by
a lack of agreement on classification systems including even
general terms like 'Early Woodland'. Archaeological sites are
typically composed of multiple occupations spanning thousands
of years that are difficult or impossible to isolate into
individual occupations. This has led to a heavy reliance upon
cultural 'diagnostics' to interpret the archaeological record.
Finally, the elaborate mortuary ceremonialism that characterizes
Period IV has tended to be over-emphasized in the reconstruction
of the culture history. Despite the foregoing problems, the
archaeology of the region is one of the richest in the country.
There is a consensus that Late Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture
developed out of a late Archaic cultural base, Middle Great
Lakes-St. Lawrence culture, although there is considerable
disagreement regarding how this actually came about.
Difficulties present themselves in tracing developments within
Middle Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture towards the end of Period
III. There are reasons for favouring a Middle Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence culture (Laurentian Archaic) ancestry for the culture
currently under consideration. There is some agreement that Late
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture gave rise to the historically
documented Iroquoian-speaking peoples of northeastern North
America with the probability that some adjacent
Algonquian-speakers also shared in this development.
It was once believed that with the appearance of pottery vessels
and the genesis of the 'Early Woodland' a major cultural
developmental stage was achieved. The appearance of pottery
vessels, burial mounds, and more elaborate technologies were
regarded as evidence of a change from a hunting, fishing, and
gathering economy to a horticultural one. It is now apparent
that, though the use of plants intensified with time, the food
economy was still based upon hunting and gathering. The
foregoing observation does not belittle the fact that by 500 B.C.
squash was being grown on sites in adjacent Michigan and Ohio
suggesting that this tropical cultigen was likely being grown
in Southern Ontario as well. Indeed, squash could well have been
grown much earlier as indicated by squash rind dated to 4,000
B.C. from a site in Maine (Petersen
1991: 140-143).
In addition to the introduction of pottery from the south, three
other important events characterize Period IV. Sometime around
the beginning of Period IV the bow and arrow weapon system was
widely adopted and eventually replaced the earlier spearthrower.
At the same time entrepreneurial bands in control of the high
quality western Onondaga chert deposits between Lake Ontario and
Lake Erie in Ontario and New York developed a sophisticated
production system of specialized chipped preforms. These
preforms were widely traded throughout northeastern North America
between 1,000 and 500 B.C. Underlying the development of this
unusual commercial enterprise was likely the need for a more
precise type of weapon tip for the new bow and arrow weapon
system. The fact that western Onondaga chert was mainly used in
the production of the preforms would also suggest that some form
of symbolic significance was attached to the material. Shortly
following the foregoing events was the appearance of Ohio Valley
mortuary ceremonialism that would exert an influence in the
region for approximately 1,000 years.
Pottery vessels have been particularly valuable to archaeological
interpretations. Pottery involves a plastic medium that preserves
a range of cultural values as expressed in the form of motifs,
decorative techniques, vessel form, and other attributes. Any
modifications to the clay when in a plastic form are transformed
into an imperishable stone-like hardness after firing. The
detailed characteristics incorporated in pottery manufacture and
decoration represent exceptionally sensitive indicators of trends
and relationships through both time and space. While pottery is
of considerable importance to archaeological interpretations
throughout Period IV, it has also been the basis of some
interpretational problems. It was initially assumed, and still is
by most researchers, that 'Early Woodland' pottery is always
represented by a particular variety of cord impressed pottery that
preceded and was, in all instances, ancestral to 'Middle Woodland'
pottery with its elaborate dentate impressed designs
(Ferris and Spence 1995;
Ritchie 1946;
Ritchie and MacNeish 1949).
The assumption of a chronological sequence of early cord impressed
pottery followed by dentate stamped pottery has been particularly
troublesome for the Canadian portion of the region under
consideration as a number of dated 'Middle Woodland' sites have
turned out to be contemporary with 'Early Woodland'. Further, the
early corded pottery, which does represent one of the earliest
pottery styles to be found across much of northeastern North
America, is either peripheral to Canada or is generally found in
association with 'Middle Woodland' pottery styles. The only
habitation sites known to date in Canada that predominantly
contain the early corded pottery and the equally distinctive
chipped stone tool kit are the Batiscan and Lambert sites on the
St. Lawrence River near Trois-Rivières (Levesque et al.
1964) and Québec
City (Chrétien 1993),
respectively. Similar habitation sites
will likely be discovered in the Niagara Peninsula region between
Lake Ontario and Lake Erie
(Noble 1975) and along the
northshore of Lake Erie
(Spence et al. 1990).
Whereas the earliest pottery from stratified sites on the New
York side of Lake Ontario invariably are a cord impressed style
called Vinette 1
(Ritchie 1944;
Ritchie and MacNeish 1949)
on the Ontario side of the Lake the earliest pottery from
equivalent stratified sites is the quite different dentate
stamped pottery
(Ritchie 1949). If there
is a chronological sequence of early cord impressed pottery
leading into early dentate stamped pottery in the Canadian
portion of the region under consideration then both the
visibility of the evidence and the nature of the radiocarbon
dates have been, indeed, perverse. At this point in time it
would appear that when the local Archaic populations in most
of eastern Canada adopted the idea of pottery from the south
they proceeded to invent the 'Middle Woodland' decorative
styles rather than simply replicating the corded pottery of
their neighbours to the south and east. The heartland for the
distinctive dentate stamped pottery style was likely in Southern
Ontario and probably the extreme upper St. Lawrence River in
Québec. From this area the northern pottery eventually
diffused to the east, west and south. As people do not live in
a vacuum, the two different pottery styles, cord impressed to
the south and east and dentate stamped to the north and west,
are frequently found associated on the same sites. Often, the
people adopting one or the other of the two different pottery
styles shared an otherwise common ancestry. With the exception
of the specialized Meadowood complex chipped preforms and their
finished tool derivatives, most of the non-pottery elements of
the technology, settlement and subsistence patterns, as well as
the mortuary systems, were shared by people who simply made
different styles of pottery. While pot sherds are common on
sites of this period and more readily lend themselves to
classification than most other items of the technology, they
have perhaps been too heavily relied upon in the reconstruction
of the culture history. In this respect, while the Meadowood
complex did develop out of the preceding Archaic and into the
subsequent Point Peninsula complex
(Tuck 1978: 4), it did
this mainly in New York State, a limited portion of the St.
Lawrence River between Trois-Rivières and Québec
City, and probably Lake Champlain. Throughout most of Southern
Ontario and immediately adjacent Québec, the development
from Middle Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture proceeded directly
to the Point Peninsula and Saugeen regional complexes without
an intervening Meadowood or Early Woodland presence. The
geographic relationship between these two early pottery styles
and their partial contemporaneity continues to cause
considerable debate
(Ferris and Spence 1995;
Fitting 1978: 50;
Mason 1981: 271;
Wright 1990: 495-496).
Given the limited and often equivocal nature of the evidence,
it is inadvisable to be too dogmatic, at this time, with regard
to either the validity of the traditional lineal development of
pottery styles from Early Woodland to Middle Woodland or a
bimodal origin involving two distinctly different pottery
The earliest burial ceremonialism in Period IV, dating between
1,000 and 400 B.C., is referred to as the Meadowood mortuary
complex and in Canada appears to be largely restricted to the
St. Lawrence River Valley in Québec and the northshore
of Lake Erie in Southern Ontario. With antecedents in the
mortuary practices of Middle Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture,
the Meadowood mortuary complex also shared many burial traits
with the early Point Peninsula and Saugeen complexes with whom
it was partially contemporary. A somewhat later mortuary
complex, dating from 800 B.C. to A.D. 100, is called the Adena
mortuary complex or, more commonly, the Middlesex complex
(Spence et al. 1990).
Unlike the Meadowood mortuary complex, the Adena mortuary
complex was a product of influences emanating from the Ohio
Valley that included earthen burial mounds and exotic Ohio
Valley grave offerings. It was followed by the related Hopewell
mortuary complex, also from the Ohio Valley, that disappeared
just prior to the end of Period IV. Late Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence culture people practised an amalgam of Ohio Valley
mortuary ceremonialism and local core belief systems derived
from Period III. All of these various mortuary practices not
only overlapped, to varying degrees in both time and defining
characteristics, but they only flourished in certain
geographically limited areas. This suggests that, while earlier
mortuary ceremonialism underlaid all of the mortuary complexes
of Period IV, specific regions participated more intensely in
the ritual practices coming from the Ohio Valley.
Like their Middle Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture ancestors,
the Late Great Lakes-St. Lawrence culture people were organized
into local bands which, during the warmer months of the year,
coalesced at favourable fishing locales. Here the women,
children, and the infirm could be left to tend fishnets and
traps and gather shellfish and plant foods while the hunters
ranged out from the base camp along the water routes in search
of big game and other resources. An apparent innovation in the
Saugeen complex was the ability to trap fish in rapids, likely
using weirs to channel fish into the trap/net. Weir fishing in
quieter water, of course, was practised much earlier.
Archaeological evidence of human relationships are to be seen
in the presence of alien pottery styles on many sites
reflecting the need to draw spouses from other bands and even
other cultures. With reference to the foregoing, it is believed
that women manufactured the pottery vessels and brought their
regional styles with them when they joined their husbands.
In summary, the appearance of pottery around 1,000 B.C., the
adoption of the bow and arrow about the same time and the
development of a specialized preform industry, and the
appearance of mortuary ceremonialism originating in the Ohio
Valley, coalesced to create an impression in the
archaeological record that momentous change took place. It
now appears that simply two new elements of technology,
pottery and the bow and arrow, were adopted. Even the mortuary
ideas coming from the Ohio Valley were only adopted by a very
limited portion of the population. The way of life remained
essentially unchanged from Period III and was not dramatically
altered until the adoption of a corn-based horticulture
economy between A.D. 500-1000.