January 1952 saw the beginning of the
country's first universal old age pension, Old Age Security, for people 70
years of age and over. It also saw the first payments flow from the
accompanying program, the income-tested Old Age Assistance for 65 to
69-year-olds. Both Old Age Security and Old Age Assistance were subject to
a 20-year residency requirement and started with benefits of $40 per
By the early 1960s, the 20-year residence rule had been reduced to 10
years and regulations applying to the payment of Old Age Security pensions
to people who were absent from the country had become less restrictive.
Benefits had risen to $75 per month through ad hoc increases made by
governments from time to time. As well, the personal, corporate, and sales
taxes that funded the Old Age Security program had been increased.
By 1964, the government was distributing $755 million per year in Old
Age Security pensions and $77 million per year in Old Age Assistance. The
Old Age Security Fund out of which pensions were paid had acquired a
deficit of approximately $670 million. Increases in funding were not
sufficient to cover the rising pension costs, and more and more the
program had to rely on the Consolidated Revenue Fund (i.e. general taxes)
to make up the shortfall.
In 1965, with the passing of the Canada Pension Plan legislation, the
qualifying age for Old Age Security was reduced from 70 to 65. The
adjustment would take place one year at a time over the next five years.
Old Age Security benefits were still $75 per month, but they would now be
indexed, with provision for automatic increases of up to two per cent per
year based on inflation. Old Age Assistance benefits would continue to be
paid until Old Age Security came down to the age of 65 and rendered them
obsolete. A revision in the residency requirements made it possible for
applicants to discount absences if they had lived in Canada for a total of
40 years after reaching the age of 18.
Another amendment of the Old Age Security Act in 1966 established
the income-tested Guaranteed Income Supplement. Although the first Canada
Pension Plan pensions would commence on January 1, 1967, full pensions
would not be available until 1976. The Guaranteed Income Supplement was
meant to be in place only long enough to help the people who reached 65
before the full Canada Pension Plan pensions became available and who
would have little or nothing other than Old Age Security, and perhaps a
reduced Canada Pension Plan pension, to live on. However, the supplement
was later made a permanent feature of the program. Under its provisions,
income outside Old Age Security benefits was measured and the maximum
supplement payable was reduced 50 cents per dollar.
Guaranteed Income Supplement payments would start in 1967 with a
maximum set at 40 per cent of the indexed Old Age Security benefits.
Unlike benefits under the earlier Old Age Assistance program, Guaranteed
Income Supplement payments could be made to persons absent from Canada,
but only if they were gone for six months or less. By the end of March
1967, Guaranteed Income Supplement payments were being paid to over
500,000 people.

F.H. Leacy, ed.,Historical Statistics of Canada, 2nd
Edition (Ottawa, 1983) Series C92-104
While Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement were
designed to provide a basic minimum amount to Canadian seniors, the new
Canada and Quebec Pension Plans were contributory social insurance
programs established to provide basic death, survivor and disability
benefits as well as retirement coverage. The Canada Pension Plan was
compulsory and earnings-related. It would cover the vast majority of
workers between the ages of 18 and 70, and there were no residency
Like Old Age Security, the qualifying age for the Canada Pension Plan
retirement pension would be reduced to 65 over the five-year period
between 1965 and 1970. Contributions would commence in 1966 and were to be
made by both employees and employers, with each paying the equivalent of
1.8 per cent of a worker's earnings between an exempted minimum amount and
a stipulated maximum, or ceiling. At the beginning of the Plan, this meant
earnings between $600 and $5,000 were considered "pensionable".
For the self-employed, the contribution rate would be 3.6 per cent of
pensionable earnings, as they were to pay both employee and employer
shares. Anyone with an income less than $600, or $800 if self-employed,
was not included in the Plan and made no contributions. Contributions
would not be collected on income over $5,000.
Retirement benefits would be 25 per cent of the average pensionable
earnings a worker earned in his or her lifetime. These earnings were
adjusted to inflation, and benefits would be paid monthly. The higher the
earnings, the higher the ultimate benefits. In the beginning, for an
individual to qualify for a full pension, he or she had to have made
contributions for at least ten years. Therefore, although the first
benefits would start on January 1, 1967, full pensions would not be
available until 1976. If a person took the pension before that time, he or
she would receive an amount proportionately below the 25 per cent that had
been established as the level in the legislation.
Canada Pension Plan contributions were collected through payroll
deductions, or at the time of tax return submissions in the case of the
self-employed. North American Indians whose income was earned on reserves
and therefore not subject to income tax were excluded from the Canada
Pension Plan. For people who were in the Plan, contributions but not
benefits would be exempt from income tax.
All contributors needed a Social Insurance Number. The Social Insurance
Number was introduced in 1964 to provide the Unemployment Insurance
program with an improved numerical system for record-keeping. Since the
Canada Pension Plan and the Quebec Pension Plan would also require an
efficient and computer-compatible system for keeping track of transactions
with contributors and beneficiaries, and a majority of future Canada
Pension Plan and Quebec Pension Plan participants were already registered
for Unemployment Insurance, the same nine-digit personal identifier was to
be used for both programs.
Old Age Security recipients were not required to have a Social
Insurance Number. Their benefits were partly funded by income tax, but the
government did not keep a record of individual contributions, or link them
to eventual benefits, as was the case with the Canada Pension Plan.
Like Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the Canada
Pension Plan was placed under the general administration of the Department
of National Health and Welfare, although the Department of National
Revenue would take care of matters related to the collection of
contributions. The Department of Finance would oversee surplus monies,
which were loaned to the provinces at a favourable rate of interest.
When the Department of National Revenue received Canada Pension Plan
contributions, they were placed in a special account in the Consolidated
Revenue Fund. In addition to the Canada Pension Plan Account, there was a
Canada Pension Plan Investment Fund that would take the surplus that
accumulated over and above administration costs and the amount of money
required to pay immediate benefits (i.e. three months' worth) and invest
it in provincial and federal securities.
As the Quebec Pension Plan was a separate (though parallel) plan,
contributions remained under the control of the Quebec government, which
was responsible for investing any reserves. The other provinces would have
access to Canada Pension Plan surpluses, in proportion to the
contributions made by their residents, through the sale of provincial
bonds and provincially guaranteed securities on 20 year terms at the
long-term federal bond rate. These were payable to the Canada Pension Plan
Investment Fund. Access to the Canada Pension Plan surpluses would provide
the provinces with a valuable and much-desired borrowing source for
development capital. The federal government agreed to this access during
Canada Pension Plan negotiations. It was an additional enticement to get
provinces to agree to federal proposals for a national contributory
The Canada Pension Plan legislation provided for an appeals process for
people who were unhappy about decisions concerning their benefits or
eligibility. The first resort was to the Minister of National Health and
Welfare. Then further appeals could be made to a Review Committee and,
finally, the Pension Appeals Board. Queries related to contributions were
to be directed to the Tax Court of Canada (formerly the Tax Review Board)
established under authority of the Income Tax Act. Old Age
Security appellants were provided with the first two levels only, although
appeals related to income were, likewise, heard by the Tax Court of
The Canada Pension Plan came into effect on January 1, 1966 and applied
to all provinces and territories except Quebec, where the separate but
similar Quebec Pension Plan was established in the same year. By agreement
the two plans would be coordinated so that workers could move freely from
one to the other without penalty.
Both were subject to the same contribution and benefit rates and
offered not only retirement benefits, but disability, survivor, and
lump-sum death benefits. Both were indexed on a yearly basis. Membership
and contributions did not terminate with a change in employment as they
had under private employer-sponsored plans; they were portable.
Contributions merely commenced again with the new employment. In addition,
there was provision for future agreements with other countries regarding
reciprocal pension arrangements.