By the late 1960s, the essential structure
of Canada's current retirement income system was in place. At its base was
the universal, flat-rate Old Age Security pension. Complementing the Old
Age Security pension was the Guaranteed Income Supplement, originally
designed to be a temporary program available only for those born before
1910 (who had no chance to build a full Canada Pension Plan benefit before
retirement). It was to be a transitional measure until the Canada Pension
Plan and Quebec Pension Plan matured in 1976. Instead, the Guaranteed
Income Supplement became a permanent, integral and necessary part of the
Old Age Security system in 1971.
The Guaranteed Income Supplement was originally designed for Canadians
whose working lives and saving potential had been affected by war and the
Great Depression, and who would have little or no income beyond Old Age
Security when they retired. Nearly 1.3 million people were receiving the
Old Age Security pension in 1968, with almost half that number also
receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement.

F.H. Leacy, ed., Historical Statistics of Canada,
2nd Edition (Ottawa, 1983) Series C92-104
The Canada Pension Plan, a contributory, earnings-related social
insurance program, constituted the second tier of the government's
retirement income structure. It was designed to ensure a measure of
protection to a contributor and his or her family against the loss of
income due to retirement, disability, and death. The qualifying age for
both the Old Age Security pension and Canada Pension Plan retirement
benefits was reduced one year at a time after 1965 so that it would be 65
by 1970.
In the 1970s and 1980s there was considerable expansion and reform in
Canada's public pension programs, as the federal government's retirement
income system increasingly became a tool to promote greater income
equality among Canadian seniors. The massive pension reform effort
resulted in resources such as the National Pensions Conference, the
Economic Council of Canada's One in Three report, the Senate's
Retirement Without Tears report, Ontario's Haley Report on
Pensions, the federal study entitled The Retirement Income System
in Canada: Problems and Alternative Policies for Reform (also known
as the Lazar Report), the 1982 federal Green Paper Better Pensions for
Canadians, and the Frith Committee report which led up to major
Canada Pension Plan reforms in 1987 and the introduction of the Widowed
Spouse's Allowance.
Many of the initiatives were undertaken in cooperation with the
provinces, business, women's groups, labour and the general public. The
goal was to combat the effects of rising inflation and assist those groups
most vulnerable to poverty. Over the next two decades numerous reforms to
Old Age Security and the Canada Pension Plan were enacted.
Initiatives to combat poverty and inflation were introduced in the Old Age
Security program. In 1971, the Guaranteed Income Supplement that augmented
the basic Old Age Security pension was converted from a temporary to a
permanent program, and combined Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income
Supplement benefits were indexed to inflation.
The next year, the two per cent ceiling on increases to Old Age Security
benefits was replaced by the linking of benefits to full increases in the
Consumer Price Index. From 1973, indexation was applied every three
Workers make Canada Pension Plan contributions on earnings between a basic
exempted amount, called the Year's Basic Exemption, and a maximum or
ceiling, called the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings. The amount of
those earnings, as well as the number of years worked, determine the
amount of benefits that a worker will ultimately receive.
In 1974, with wages rising more quickly than had been anticipated and
inflation eating away at the value of pensions, legislation was passed
that would raise the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) figure.
There was an ad hoc $1000 increase of the YMPE from 1973 to 1974, then an
agreement to raise the ceiling by 12.5 per cent per year until it caught
up to the average wage as measured by the Statistics Canada Industrial
Composite. It took until 1986.
Legislation enacting this change and, as well, reducing the Year's
Basic Exemption from 12 per cent to 10 per cent of the Year's Maximum
Pensionable Earnings took effect two years later, on January 1, 1976. The
level of the Year's Basic Exemption, the amount of earnings at which a
person starts contributing to the Plan, was adjusted so that it could be
maintained at a lower level than before. This meant that more people could
participate in the Plan. The Year's Basic Exemption was $700.
In 1974, too, benefit levels became linked to increases in the Consumer
Price Index, rather than the old Pension Index with its two per cent
ceiling. Indexation of Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits on other than an
annual basis was said not to be compatible in a number of ways with the
design and operation of the Plan. For example, the contributory period was
measured in years, pensionable earnings were recorded by the year in the
Record of Earnings and when a benefit was calculated, the annual earnings
in each of these years was adjusted upwards in line with average wages and
salaries for the year in which the benefit would be paid, along with the
two previous years. While these points were debatable, it was clear that
quarterly indexation of CPP credits would have required a major
reconstruction of the benefit calculation to avoid serious anomalies.
In 1975, senior couples struggling to manage on one pension were given
assistance when an income-tested Spouse's Allowance for 60 to 64 year-old
spouses of Guaranteed Income Supplement recipients was added, to be
indexed quarterly.
In the Canada Pension Plan, measures were taken to end sex
discrimination in the area of survivor and children's benefits which,
incidentally, benefited men as much as women. For instance, from 1975 on,
widowers were no longer required to show that they were disabled or had
been economically dependent on their contributor spouse in order to be
eligible for survivor benefits.
Reforms in the Canada Pension Plan that helped provide greater income
protection for women and families were also implemented:
- Extended benefits to surviving spouses where the marriage followed the
contributor's retirement or disability, and to children born or adopted
after disability.
- A change in the definition of "dependent child" to include disabled
children between the ages of 18 and 25 who were not in full attendance at
school or university.
Moreover, in 1975, the earnings test requirement for the payment of a
retirement pension was eliminated.
When the first full retirement pensions became available in 1976, a
general "drop-out" provision came into effect that would eliminate up to
15 per cent of a worker's total contributory months. In this way, low
earning periods would be removed from the contributory period and not
penalize those who had been out of the work force from time to time.
Starting in 1977, Old Age Security and the Canada Pension Plan were
included in international social security agreements. Social security
agreements co-ordinate the operation of the Old Age Security program and
the Canada Pension Plan with the comparable programs of other countries
that provide pensions for retirement, old age, disability and survivors.
Agreements have four objectives:
- to allow a person who has lived or worked in another country to be
eligible for social security benefits, either from that country or from
- to reduce or eliminate restrictions, based on citizenship, that may
prevent Canadians from receiving pensions from other countries;
- to reduce or eliminate restrictions on the payment of pensions abroad;
- to permit continuity of social security coverage when a person is
working temporarily in another country, and to prevent situations where a
person would have to contribute to two countries' social security
Also in 1977, partial Old Age Security benefits became available based
on a formula that granted 1/40 of the Old Age Security rate for every year
of residence in Canada as an adult. A full pension would be granted to
persons with 40 years residence. Those who, at the time, were 25 and had
lived in Canada as an adult, however, could continue to qualify for a full
pension under the previous residence rules.
The splitting of Canada Pension Plan credits upon divorce or separation
was introduced in 1978. The provision was mainly designed to protect women
who did not participate or who had limited participation in the paid
workforce because they worked in the home. For marriages legally dissolved
after January 1, 1978, Canada Pension Plan credits accumulated by both
spouses during a marriage could be split equally between them. Either
spouse could apply for this provision.
The splitting of credits earned during marriage became mandatory for
divorcing couples in 1987, except where otherwise provided for by
provincial law and agreement of the parties. Credit-splitting would also
apply to legally separated spouses or common-law partners from that year
on, if an application was made.
Since 1975, near-seniors receiving a Spouse's Allowance had their benefits
stopped when their spouses died. In 1979, these "extended" payments were
continued for six months following the pensioner's death or until the age
of 65, if death occurred earlier.
In the 1980s, the landscape for disability issues as a whole was in the
process of transformation. The International Year of Disabled Persons in
1981 was a catalyst for action on disability issues. Federal actions in
this period aimed to increase the economic and social participation of
Canadians with disabilities in their communities.
During this decade, several changes were made to the Canada Pension
Plan disability program, generated in part by the creation of the Special
House of Commons Committee on the Disabled and the Handicapped, formed in
1980 to identify the key obstacles faced by disabled persons in Canada.
The Committee's report identified twenty key areas of concern, ranging
from human and civil rights to database development, and made 130
recommendations for improvements.
As a first step towards comprehensive reform, the Committee proposed
several improvements to the CPP disability benefit. It recommended that
the amount of the benefit be increased and that more people be covered.
The inadequacy of the benefit was confirmed by a survey of Canada Pension
Plan disability beneficiaries in 1980, which concluded that the financial
situation of this population was deplorable, not only in terms of the
average income of Canadians, but also in terms of poverty levels in
On January 1, 1983, a child-rearing drop-out provision came into force. It
allowed parents to eliminate from their contributory period the amount of
time they stopped working or reduced their work to look after children
under the age of seven. The provision ensured that they were not penalized
for these periods of low earnings when their CPP benefits were calculated.
It took effect when it was provincially ratified in 1983, but was applied
retroactively to 1978.
In 1984, the rate for single Guaranteed Income Supplement and Extended
Spouse's Allowance beneficiaries was raised, and low-income pensioners who
received partial Old Age Security pensions were given increased Guaranteed
Income Supplements that would bring them to the level of a full pension.
The residence requirement for full Spouse's Allowance benefits was reduced
to 10 years, and single Guaranteed Income Supplement rates, which were
higher than the married rate, could be acquired more quickly for separated
low-income seniors.
A Widowed Spouse's Allowance was introduced in 1985 so that all widows or
widowers between 60 and 64 who met the income and residence requirements
could receive assistance. This benefit was identical to the Spouse's
Allowance benefit aside from the difference in marital status and the
income used for calculation purposes (the former is paid to married people
based on their combined income and the latter is paid to widows or
widowers based on their individual income). The rate and payment rules
were the same for the Extended Spouse's Allowance that had been created in
1979 and increased in 1984.
Canada Pension Plan provisions expanded considerably in 1987 due to the
passing of Bill C-116. The amendments were an answer to a lengthy process
of negotiation between the federal and provincial governments.
The improvements included a flexible retirement pension that provided
qualified contributors with retirement benefits as early as at the age of
60. Payment amounts would be reduced by 0.5 per cent for every month
before age 65 that the retirement pension was taken, and increased by the
same amount for every month after age 65 it was taken, up to age 70. As
such, the maximum increase or decrease was 30 per cent.
New financing arrangements for the Canada Pension Plan were also part
of these changes. This meant a gradual yearly increase in the current
employer and employee rate of 3.6 per cent of contributory earnings, which
had been in place since 1966. There would be a review of the financing
arrangements by the Finance Minister and a re-setting of the rate schedule
at least every five years to again cover 25 future years. The increases
over the first five years were to be 0.2 per cent per year, with smaller
increases planned in later years according to a 25-year rate schedule. As
well, on-hand monies from the Canada Pension Plan Fund were to be targeted
at two years' worth of benefits. This meant that the Fund, which at the
time held about six years of benefits, would eventually be intended to
have an amount equal to two times the yearly amount of benefits paid.
Another major change was to disability benefits. The flat-rate portion
of the benefit was increased dramatically, matching the higher rate that
had been in place in the Quebec Pension Plan since the early 1970s.
Furthermore, the minimum contributory requirements were eased, providing
earlier income protection in case of disability.
Other major amendments included:
- the continuation of survivor benefits on remarriage;
- the simplification of combined benefit calculation (a person could
receive both a survivor benefit as well as a disability or retirement
benefit, subject to a maximum amount);
- the improvement of children's benefits, permitting a child to receive
up to two benefits in the event that both contributor parents were either
deceased or disabled (children's benefits were payable even if the child
married); and
- the division of Canada Pension Plan retirement payments, called
"pension sharing" or "assignment", for still-married people who applied
for retirement benefits. This helped women who had a relatively shorter
work history and lower contributions to the Canada Pension Plan. One of
the spouses would have to apply for pension-sharing, which resulted in tax
savings for many couples. Pension-sharing would end on separation or at
the death of either spouse.
The most visible austerity measure came in 1989 when a "clawback" of the
basic Old Age Security pension was introduced. In the future, Old Age
Security recipients would have their benefits taxed back at a rate of 15
cents on the dollar if their income was over a specified limit. In 1990,
that limit was a net income of $50,800. About five per cent of recipients
were initially affected, although the impact was expected to increase over
Old Age Security benefits in 1970 were $79 per month and were paid to
about 1.6 million pensioners at a cost of $1.6 billion. Average payments
of the Guaranteed Income Supplement in that year were $29 per month, with
an annual federal expenditure of over $274 million. The maximum Canada
Pension Plan retirement benefit was $53; in 1976, when full retirement
pensions became available, that figure was $154. The average yearly wage
in 1970 was $6,592.
Conversely, by 1989, the monthly Old Age Security payment was $337, the
average monthly Guaranteed Income Supplement was $240, and the maximum
monthly Canada Pension Plan retirement benefit was $556. The average
Spouse's Allowance payment (including the Widowed Spouse's Allowance) was
$302 per month and was being paid to about 128,000 people, the
overwhelming majority of them women.
At the beginning of this period, Canadians had been optimistic that the
country could support the expansion of its retirement income system. As
the period was coming to a close, however, an aging population, declining
government revenues and a mounting national debt brought a search for ways
to reduce costs and safeguard the long-term sustainability of the