major Allied ground offensive from the
west against German territory began on
8 February 1945. Fighting through the
Rhineland, piercing the formidable Siegfried
Line, and penetrating the Reichswald
and Hochwald forests, the Canadians helped
deal a deathblow to German resistance
in this sector. It was difficult going.
The Canadians advanced over heavily-flooded
or densely-forested ground against fierce
enemy resistance.
April, Canadian troops liberated most
of the Netherlands. By the time German
forces on the British and Canadian front
surrendered on 5 May the Canadians had
advanced to Oldenburg, in northern Germany,
while Canadian paratroopers had penetrated
even farther east. The Germans formally
surrendered on 8 May 1945, known as Victory-in-Europe,
or ‘V-E’ Day.
See also :
Newspapers and the Second World War : VE Day, 8 May 1945