Burial at sea of an RCN sailor killed in HMCS Assiniboine during an action in which
the Canadian destroyer sank the German submarine U-210 |
The Canadian Armed Forces: Casualties
42,042 men and women of Canada's armed forces died during the war
: 22,917 in the Canadian ,
17,101 in the and
2,024 in the .
54,414 were wounded and 8,995 taken prisoner. There were awful losses at Hong Kong, December 1941, and at Dieppe
in August 1942, but the Canadian did not feel the sustained
pressure of casualties until 1944 when the hard-slogging advances
north up the Italian peninsula and in the Normandy beachhead led to
far greater infantry casualties than were ever anticipated. By late
1944, many infantry companies, normally each over a hundred strong,
were down to thirty riflemen. These heavy casualties were a
major factor in the government decision to send conscripts overseas ( see Conscription ). Large numbers of Canadians were lost in the bomber offensive against
Germany. Particularly in the air battles of the Ruhr, 1943, and in
the battle of Berlin during the winter of 1943-1944, aircrew
were lost at a rate faster than the training system could replace
them in the short term. These heavy losses were only stemmed when
Bomber Command, preparing for the Normandy Campaign, moved to closer
targets in occupied France, meaning shorter flights and fewer German
defences. Related Newspaper Articles
English Articles
French Articles
21 marins disparus dans le torpillage du 'Saguenay'
Le Devoir, 10/12/1940
"Bilan de 16 mois de guerre - 1 million de morts, 2 à 3 millions de blessés, etc."
Le Devoir, 31/12/1940
"1,114 aviateurs morts ou disparus"
Le Devoir, 13/12/1941
Mort à Hong Kong
Le Devoir, 02/05/1942
661 soldats morts depuis le début de la guerre
Le Devoir, 22/05/1942
814 Canadiens victimes à Dieppe
Le Devoir, 29/08/1942
"Les victimes canadiennes à Dieppe. Leur nombre se chiffre à 3,350..."
Le Devoir, 15/09/1942
Pertes de l'armée et de l'aviation outre-mer
Le Devoir, 05/07/1944
"Les pertes dans l'arnée canadienne. Elles se chiffraient à 21, 689 au 1er mai"
Le Devoir, 19/07/1944
Les pertes des forces armées canadienne
Le Devoir, 21/08/1944
Les pertes de l'armée canadienne outre-mer
Le Devoir, 08/09/1944
"Nouvelles de la guerre. La corvette canadienne "Alberni" a coulé"
Le Devoir, 12/09/1944
Pertes de l'armée et de l'aviation
Le Devoir, 16/09/1944
"Les pertes militaires s'élèvent à 51,038"
Le Devoir, 20/09/1944
Hommage aux morts des "Black Watch"
Le Devoir, 25/09/1944
Des chiffres au sujet du 1er corps canadien
Le Devoir, 23/04/1945
Le naufrage du "Skeena"
Le Devoir, 16/05/1945
Enquête sur les aviateurs disparus
Le Devoir, 08/06/1945
Pertes du C.A.R.C.
Le Devoir, 26/06/1945
Les pertes canadiennes dans la guerre
Le Devoir, 27/06/1945